Movie Night Popcorn

Nothing is more fun and relaxing than sitting on the couch in PJ’s with family or friends watching a really good movie. There’s only one thing that can make the night better – snacks! It’s just not the same without a big bowl of 🍿. Homemade popcorn is healthy, but watch out it can be addictive! By adding toppings, butters, and candies to your heap, you can take movie night to the next level.
Making the Popcorn
I consulted a popcorn expert on the prestigious art of kernel popping.
Muffin Around: So, tell us Mr. Expert, how long have you been involved in the popcorn knowledge business?
Popcorn Expert: Ever since I took my first bite of the fluffy, but crunchy, light puffs I have been in love with it. I have dedicated my life to finding the best possible way to pop the glorious white clouds.
MA: What are the best kernels to pop?
PE: Well, there are many different types of popcorn, but two main types are –
Yellow Popcorn
Yellow popcorn pops to a yellow tint. This popcorn has a more distinctive flavour, with some people describing it as slightly “nutty”.
White Popcorn
White popcorn pops to white. It pops a bit smaller than yellow popcorn and has a neutral, pure popcorn flavor. This makes white popcorn perfect for adding flavorings and seasonings.
MA: What oil is best to use?
PE: It is really up to you and your preference, but I’ll give you some guidelines to help you find the oil that best fits you.
The best tasting oil is coconut oil. The downside is that it’s also the most unhealthy.
The healthiest oil would be olive oil. Some people don’t like the distinct olive oil taste, and say that the popcorn tastes like a salad.
Peanut oil is best for people who like a slight peanut flavor. I would be careful with this one, though, because many people have peanut allergies and it’s not easy to tell what type of oil the popcorn was popped in.
My favorite is canola oil. This has the same great taste as the coconut oil without all of the extra fat. The catch is that it burns really quickly, so keep a good eye on your kernels if you choose this one.
MA: What is your favorite method for popping kernels?
PE: First, coat the bottom of a pot in your oil of choice. Heat the oil for about 30 seconds on medium heat. When you add the kernels, make sure they are evenly coated in the oil. The most important thing when making popcorn is to make sure that all the kernels are the same temperature at all times. To insure this, shake your pot as the kernels are popping. Once you hear the popping slow down, take the pot off the heat and pour the fresh and warm popcorn into a bowl. Sprinkle salt on top – but don’t mix it in. The salt will fall to the bottom on its own.
MA: Wow, that sounds delicious. I can’t wait to try that myself. Thank you for joining us!
PE: No, thank you, I loved popping in here.
MA: …
PE: Tough crowd.
MA: Sorry, that was corny.
MA: Okay, we are done here.
(Disclaimer – Popcorn Expert not a real person)

Now that we have our popcorn done – time for…
You can’t have movie night popcorn without your butter. I made 2 different butters, one sweet and one savory.
Spice Butter
Melt 6 tablespoons of butter in the microwave. Pour the butter into a squeeze bottle and add
3/4 teaspoon paprika
3/4 teaspoon onion powder
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
3/4 teaspoon chili powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
Shake well and pour over popcorn.
Caramel Popcorn
Melt 6 tablespoons of butter in the microwave. Pour the butter into a squeeze bottle and add dulce de leche or melted caramels. Shake well and pour over popcorn.

I added a third squeeze bottle of plain melted butter for those more traditional folk.

Next, I went to my local pharmacy and raided it. I bought all types of traditional movie theater snacks such as gummy bears, pretzels, Raisinets, M&M’s, Sour Patch Kids, and more.

Time to assemble our popcorn station. I found these really cute and colorful popcorn boxes to put the popcorn in. I also bought chalkboard stickers to label all of the glorious toppings. All of these can be found at your local supermarket. I picked my all time favorite movie, got into my favorite onesie, and invited my family and friends to come and join the party!

The Party Favorites
Here are some fun combos to try:
Spice Butter and Pretzels

Caramel Butter and Gummy Bears

Plain Butter and M&M’s

This was honestly so much fun to put together and it turned out amazing! Make your next party a movie night popcorn palooza that your guests are guaranteed to enjoy.
Keep muffin around the kitchen 😉.